The Educated Leader
This podcast seeks to educate and empower leaders in politics, civil society and the church to know what it means to be human and to act accordingly.
Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau leads the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN), which he founded in 2010 to provide Christian politicians with faith formation, education and networking opportunities. He is the founder and principal of Ambrose Advice e.U., a company that provides strategic advisory and leadership coaching to senior public office holders around the world. Dr. von Geusau is Rector emeritus and Professor for Philosophy of Law and Education at ITI Catholic University in Austria.
More information: https://ambrose-advice.com/
The Educated Leader
What does it mean to be a Christian and a politician today?
Christiaan Alting von Geusau, President of ITI Catholic University, gave a lecture on “Christianity and public life, being a Christian in Europe today”. Speaking about what Christians in public office should expect, the lawyer-philosopher speaker said, among other things, that Christian politics should be rooted in truth and human nature, that Christian politicians should respect the order of creation, that they should strive to develop the virtues based on their constantly enriched knowledge and morals, so that they can remain free in the Christian sense of the word and not become a slave to fashionable ideologies.